What Makes a Drew Doggett Print?

All prints are printed in-house and signed by Drew | Learn More 

What Makes a Drew Doggett Print?

Part Five

When I set out on my own, I promised myself that I would not follow trends or create work just for the sake of having something new to release. To retain my integrity as an artist, my process of creating comes down to finding the right subject matter and then discerning the best way to tell the story.

“A portrait is not made on the camera but on either side of it” – Edward Steichen

At my core I am a perfectionist, and because of my fashion background I am always seeking to extract the most detail from deep within each composition. I know that the attention I pay to seemingly minute aspects of the image is part of what makes my work unique and in post-production and editing I can continue the craft of storytelling.


I want the amount of time I put into the finding of my subjects and the composing of an image to be evident in the smallest of textures and subtle variations of tone in the final print. This is also where my traditional darkroom values feed into a layered, lengthy process; every single image goes through hours (that inevitably turn into days) of dodging and burning to bring out details and nuances.

My intention is for my work to invite you into an ongoing conversation with the subject as long as the print lives on your wall. From choosing a paper with the proper weight, thickness, and warmth to the subtle tones that allow for new discoveries upon each viewing, each print is inspected centimeter by centimeter to make sure it has every single detail perfectly inscribed in its texture. If the work I create can be transportive, I feel I have offered something to the collector that is beyond aesthetics.

Whether it takes 10 months or 2 years to conceive of and release a new series, I am constantly working at dynamic ways of storytelling.

I believe the best way to grasp the effort put into my work is through the numbers:


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